Fire Protection Rating (ISO)

Insurance Services Office (ISO) Rating

Insurance Services Office is a division of Verisk Analytics, that reviews and rates fire departments. This rating is used by insurance companies to help determine fire risk and develop rate structures. "ISO" ratings range from 10, being the lowest rating, to 1, being the best. These ratings generally correlate to how much it costs to insure a property, with lower homeowners rates being paid by those with lower number ratings. ISO audits generally occur every five years.

Effective August 1, 2023, Scio Township's community classification is Class 5/5Y, with areas not within 5 road miles of the fire station having a 10/10W rating. The map below shows a general breakdown of the areas with the 5/5Y rating (areas in color) and areas with 10/10W rating (blacked out areas). This map should be used as a general description of areas only.  

In areas within 5 road miles of the fire station, a 5/5Y rating is assigned. The 5 indicates areas that are serviced by fire hydrants, the 5Y indicates areas that are not serviced by fire hydrants. In areas that are between 5 and 7 road miles of the fire station a 10/10W rating is assigned. 10W indicates that there is a fire hydrant within 1,000 feet of the address being rated. The blacked out area in the Southeast corner of the Township is protected by fire hydrants and is the area rated 10W, the areas in the Northeast and Southwest are not protected by hydrants, and have a 10 rating. There are no areas of Scio Township that are over 7 road miles from the fire station. 

Map showing areas of Scio Township that have different fire classification ratings