Fire Station Solar

In 2022, Scio Township contracted with local provider, Homeland Solar, to install a ground-mounted solar field to power the property occupied by the Scio Township Fire station and the Washtenaw County Sheriff sub-station at 1055 Zeeb Rd. 

Check out our Solar Edge Dashboards for live updates on our energy production:

Native Plantings

On June 1st, 2024, Mike Appel, of Mike Appel Environmental Design, led a Native Planting Workshop to fill the space between the parking area and the solar array. Mike provided an overview of the project, the particular plants, and planting directions for numerous community member volunteers.

Why Native Plants?

Native plants are recognized as being in southern Michigan prior to European colonization. Time has rendered them well-adapted to the climate and soil, they need no fertilization and little water once established, and provide food and cover for a host of bird and insect species. The deep roots of native plants form pathways through which water re-enters the soil, slowing stormwater runoff and fixing carbon from the atmosphere.

What's Growing in our Garden?

Prairie Dropseed


Butterfly Milkweed


Purple Cornflower


Penstemon Hirsutus


Penstemon Digitalis

Penstemon digitalis.merv_bcwebMG_7158__14347

Rudbeckia Fulgida


Coreopsis Ianceolata


June 1st Planting Workshop

Jan Culbertson

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